Action Sociale


Notre asbl participe activement et financièrement depuis plusieurs années à « Viva 4 life » et à un projet de développement durable au Laos en apiculture. 

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Des nouvelles du projet « apiculture au Laos ».

Ce 6/8/2024 un virement de 1146 USD à destination du compte de l’association d’apiculteurs d’Oudomxay (Laos) a été encodé par Miel Maya, qui a recueilli depuis plusieurs années les dons des membres de notre asbl pour le projet apicole au Laos.

Pour info, la contrepartie en Euros s’élève à 1.057 €, à laquelle il faut ajouter les frais bancaires, pour un montant de 22 €, soit un total de 1.079 €.

Anne, l’initiatrice du projet nous a envoyé ce descriptif.


Introduction of AESBO (Association for Extension of Sustainable Natural Beekeeping, Oudomxay)


Oudomxay is a Northern Province in Laos, with borders to China and Vietnam. It is a mountainous region, where people are changing from a subsistence livelihood to a more economic driven agricultural system.

Beekeeping is a side activity on the farm, usually done by elderly men. Bees are kept in vertical hollow logs. This hinders a gentle bee care as the nest is destroyed when harvesting the honey. Bee brood is eaten and wax is thrown away. Most beekeepers handled their bees at night, when bees do not fly up. This resulted in a messy harvest where bees , and possible the queen are trampled upon . Needless to say that the colonies absconded after this treatment. However some beekeepers use more gentle methods in handling their bees. So the idea to bring beekeepers together so they can learn from each other and develop new ideas, sprang about.


The Beekeepers’ association of Oudomxay , AESBO,( Association for Extension of Sustainable Natural Beekeeping, Oudomxay) exists since 2012. It answers the need of beekeepers to keep in touch with each other and share experiences on the many challenges beekeeping face. It has close links with environmental and food security issues.

The members develop sustainable beekeeping methods based on local resources with respect of the environment ,of local culture and know how and respecting the supporting role for agriculture, nature and food security.

The Association will develop and grow further providing basic training in beekeeping with follow up. It links up beekeepers in different villages to share experiences together. Beekeepers organize themselves in different groups  and  ensures sustainability of the association.

The association supports its members to develop better marketing strategies.

The association supports planting of multipurpose bee flora s.a. medicinal cardamom, fruit trees and agricultural products.

It campaigns for pesticide free agriculture and home gardens with links to nutrition in general.

There are campaigns on gender issues, to open up opportunities for women in a changing society , including women in apiculture.


The network of beekeepers is based on learning together. It evolves from learning groups towards an informal movement, carried by farmers and in dialogue with local authorities through yearly meetings. At the moment the Association is reaching more than 900 beekeepers, organized in different groups.


The support from Maya Miel will be used for the meetings of beekeepers , based on peer to peer learning and enhancing the ability of the groups to work together.

Maya Miel ‘s support is well appreciated by the Association as it offers the opportunity to link up different groups with each their own experiences on beekeeping issues and exchange ideas and experiences.


Documentaire « The Wild Bees That Keep Us »

Le videaste Dimi Dumortier a tourné un documentaire sur le travail d’AESBO au Laos. Ce film de 25’ donne la parole aux apiculteurs pour expliquer les bénéfices et problèmes qu’ils ont rencontrés durant l’histoire de leur association.

Il a été projeté à Bruxelles le 25 octobre 2017 : bande annonce :

Miel Maya a cessé ses activités sous ce nom et leurs projets sont poursuivis via une autre organisation.

 Actuellement, vos dons peuvent se faire via le compte de notre asbl, en mentionnant « Projet apicole au Laos ».

 La déduction fiscale n’est actuellement plus possible.

BE03 0011 9407 8484.

Voici quelques posters réalisés par les apiculteurs du Laos. Cliquez sur les photos pour agrandir.

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